Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This Week on IFC News...

I've got my review of Black Snake Moan, and you can also read Alison Willmore's interview with director Craig Brewer. Alison kind of dissed on Brewer in The IFC Blog not too long ago and he actually contacted her; turned out he was a reader and a fan so he was like, "Yo, don't dis on me." So the two sat down to discuss his work:

Making a movie is a very vulnerable thing, especially in my situation — I'm not doing "Grudge" sequels, I'm letting everybody know, hey, this is from me. I'm not Sam Jackson, I'm that crazy girl at the end of the chain. She's very much alone, she's always been alone, and even though he does this thing that, symbolically, oh my god, he's chaining a woman up against her will, he really is the only person in her life who's not wanting something from her.

I've also got a interview this week; I talked to director Cam Archer about his new IFC First Take film Wild Tigers I Have Known:

I'm one of the few filmmakers who would actually discourage someone from seeing my film. [laughs] I think that film will definitely have a greater life on DVD, but there's something to seeing a film in a theater that is really pretty fucking awesome. It's the way to see a movie you're really interested in. And "Wild Tigers" being in theaters is just so surreal; I always just thought it would end up being on DVD-Rs that college and high school students would be passing to each other in the hallways. At least I hoped for as much.

And on this week's podcast, Alison and I work through out post-awards season hangover, own up to our picks and mistakes (okay, mostly my mistakes, cause I suck), and I tell you all who should be the next host for the Oscars. It's a good choice too; the best, I'd say. I dare you to disagree.


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