The Best of Ought-Nine by Singer

As usual, a more detailed list and a brief summation of the year in film can be found at I also recommend you check out our two-part podcast where Alison Willmore and I hand out year-end awards in a variety of categories ranging from the Best Fight Sequence to Best Onscreen Chemistry to the Most Purely Pleasurable Movie of '09 to the Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition.
In the interest of Termite Art completism, I'm reproducing the list here:
1. Two Lovers
2. Summer Hours
3. Drag Me to Hell
4. Up
5. Anvil! The Story of Anvil
6. The Hurt Locker
7. The Headless Woman
8. In the Loop
9. The White Ribbon
10. Crank: High Voltage
Honorable Mention (in alphabetical order): Avatar, The Box, The House of the Devil, Humpday, The Limits of Control, Police, Adjective, A Serious Man, Star Trek, Still Walking, Up in the Air
Breaking down the raw numbers, I saw 149 films released theatrically in 2009, a slight dip from my 2008 figure, but I saw over 260 older films, for a grand total of 413 movies in 2009, which is 30 movies higher than my total in 2008. As in years past, here's a list of the best older films I saw for the first time in '09:
5. The Watcher in the Woods (1980, John Hough)
4. Misery (1990, Rob Reiner)
3. Near Dark (1987, Kathryn Bigelow)
2. The Wages of Fear (1953, Henri-Georges Clouzot)
1. Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979, Werner Herzog)
drag me to hell is on a few of these lists, most notably tarantino's. i still don't get that - it wasn't funny, scary, or entertaining.
My big I-don't-get-it is Two Lovers at #1. Number one! A lot of my colleagues at the L Magazine put it way up there, too, so I'm guessing it has some kind of hardcore cinephile following that is beyond my comprehension. I'll admit that James Gray wrote and directed something a bit less thoroughly cliched and clumsy than his crime dramas, but apart from the decent performances, I didn't see anything of much depth, substance, or entertainment value in his mopey dithering.
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