Claire de Lune

I've been gorging myself at the Jacques Rivette retrospective at the Museum of the Moving Image, (Paris Belongs to Us, Celine and Julie Go Boating, The Nun, and Duelle so far...) and in lieu of the big rundown that I'll provide later, how about an update on my beloved, Claire Denis, who directed Jacques Rivette, The Watchman, a superb documentary on the secretive director that I caught on Saturday (Jacques likes observing people on the subway and claims that stories that could be told in 90 minutes 40 years ago now must take 3-4 hours...and why hasn't Denis' sublime doc. Towards Mathilde been released stateside? - it's the apotheosis of her filming of the body in motion)?
Fine then. From a link at GreenCine I've discovered her follow up to the dreamy opacity of The Intruder is called White Material and will star Isabelle Huppert! These are, without a doubt, my two favorite ladies in existence, and I tremble (OK, maybe more like a quiver) at the thought of what Agnes Godard's camera will capture of Huppert's enigmatic stare... It's shooting in Cameroon and has something to do with coffee plantations. So Denis returns to the country of her childhood and of her debut film, 1998's Chocolat. This can only mean good things for me and for film culture at large. But mostly for me.
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